
Off to New Oceans...

Well, reading break has come and gone and the snow has arrived once again. Over the holiday I enjoyed some beautiful weather in Southern California. Hiking in Palm Canyon along the Santa Rosa Mountains was amazing and a refreshing break from sitting in desks all day long.

So.... I am off to intern at Orcalab this summer and getting rather excited to go on this adventure. From around the middle of June until sometime in August, I will be camping. Two whole months :)I have never had to stay in a tent for that long before, but I know it shall be an awesome experience! Anyways, this was just a quick note and I really must be getting down to homework now.

Fair Winds!


Summer by the Ocean

This semester of university is now in full swing. The first midterms begin this week and, already, papers are beginning to loom on the horizon. However, despite the crazy business of a second year biology major, there have been some relaxing breaks from academics. Two weeks ago I was up in Blackfish Sound for a few hours, only to see 17 transient orcas pass by on their way through Blackney Pass. The sound of their misty blows amid the calm waters was so peaceful and refreshing.Unfortunately, I only had a few minutes to spend with them before heading off to the cabin to do some work. That evening I was back in the mainland again, with a bucket full of soft shell clams and blue mussels for Monday night's dinner.

This summer promises to be full of adventure! I am taking courses in the Gulf Islands in May. Through them I hope to learn a lot more about local botany and marine ecology. Then the plan is to intern at Orcalab for a while. God seems to be opening so many doors for me this year, and I am excited to pursue these opportunities.

I hope to keep friends and family updated on my adventures this summer through this blog (how stereo typical of me :P), because I will have very limited internet time and may people to keep in touch with.

Fair Winds!