
From West to East

I've done it! After the better portion of the day spent travelling, I have finally arrived in the city of Halifax to begin the next chapter of my life. The trip from Vancouver to Calgary was rather uneventful and short. Since the day was clear, I was able to marvel at the beauty of the Rocky Mountains from many thousands of feet above them.

With only a few minutes to catch my connecting flight, I ran to the gate, boarded the plane, and found my seat. As the jet took off, I was able to see the flat farmland of Alberta stretching for miles to the east. The cloudless skies continued into Saskatchewan, but by the time we passed over Manitoba, I was catching only brief glimpses of Lake Winnipeg through the thickening clouds. That was all I saw until we landed in Halifax (where the cloud cover was so low that we couldn't see anything until we were almost on the ground). It was also raining... I have to say that this made me feel as though I wouldn't have such a hard time getting used to the climate here :)

I have yet to explore the city and visit the university, but for now I am settling in and adjusting to the four hour time difference. It is now time to get some rest and I will write more soon!

Fair Winds!