
Of Transients and Dolphins

A week has passed and the orcas have remained quiet. Yesterday the first ones passed through, a group of transients chasing around a thousand dolphins up Johnstone Strait (that would have been a site to see). Unfortunately I was on the wrong side of Hanson Island and had to be content with reports I recieved by phone and radio. Since they use silence as an element of surprise while hunting their prey, it is common for them to come through without vocalizing. Yesterday we had many marine creatures swim by including Dall’s and harbour porpoises, seals, and humpbacks.

The squirrels have constantly been throwing pinecones at the roof of a cabin that I spend a fair portion of the day in. It took me a while to realize what it was, especially since their first target was the door and I thought it was someone knocking. As I write they continue to bombard the skylights above.

It’s a somewhat lazy, slightly overcast day here and there is lots of work to be done before other people arrive later this month. The good news is that I found out that I get my birthday off so I can spend it with family! That was a nice surprise I wasn’t expecting when I came up.

Settling into the routine of waking up at all times during night is interesting to say the least. It makes naps a lot more appealing later in the afternoon. When the tug boats and cruise ships come through the noise is so loud that it makes it hard to get back to sleep. The humpbacks Chunky and Stripe were foraging off the front of the lab all day yesterday and they attracted the attention of the local whale watching boats in the late afternoon. There is not much more to write about today, but hopefully soon I`ll have a whale of a story to share!

Fair Winds

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