
Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean...

Even though exams finished yesterday, there seems no time stop and catch up on missed sleep as new courses are already underway. To be honest, I am utterly exhausted and looking forwards to the weekend for a bit of a break before travelling to the Gulf Islands. The last few days have been pretty intense in terms of the volume of things I am trying to check off my list before Monday. However, I know the adventure is just beginning...

A few nights ago I was looking through some of the quotes and stories I've collected over the years, when I stumbled upon the poem called The Ragman. The story takes me back several years to memories of eating breakfast early one morning in the hold of the Pacific Swift sheltered just behind Rugged Point (that was the first time I heard the story of The Ragman). One thing I love about being in the wilderness is that often coincides with a time of reflection. Life is so busy during the school year that it is all too easy to get caught up in the swirling rapids and completely forget how amazing God is and how powerful His love for us. Sometimes it takes an escape from reality to remember! Had I read this poem without having the time to properly reflect on it I may have missed the point. Perhaps it simply would have been a retelling of the Easter story... but in that moment, it was so powerful.

Here I am, two years of university behind me and a world of adventure unfolding before my eyes. Time to raise sail and catch the tide :)

Fair Winds!

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