
I feel the winds of God today, today my sails I lift...

So... in the midst of all His crazy plans for me, God has given me the opportunity to volunteer on with SALTS this summer on the Pacific Swift. I have sailed as a trainee with the SALTS vessels for six years, and it's super exciting to finally be able to give back a little of what I have been blessed with during my time on the ships. SALTS is essentially like a Christian camp held on tall ships. Just thought I'd share that exciting news :)

School is almost over for the semester, and things are getting busy once again. My goal is to go snowing shoeing at least once during exam week, maybe to Baker. I am very excited for my courses in May and the opportunity to meet some new people and strengthen some old friendships during the travel study.

Alas, my final organic chemistry lab write-up is calling now, and I should try to finish it so I can get a good nights sleep tonight.

Fair Winds!

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